Saturday, June 27, 2009


Inspired by my June 25 post re The Battle of The Greasy Grass, I just completed an analysis of the Little Bighorn Campaign (May - June 1876), more popularly known as (or perhaps a sub-campaign of) the Centennial Campaign (March - September 1876).

The most heavily-analyzed engagement in US military history proved too much for the confines of a single blogpost. After nine pages of exhaustive analysis - done in military brief OPORD format - I have barely scratched the surface of my subject. My intent at this time is to save this material for NEXT year's anniversary of The Greasy Grass, and present it in less than 500 words, with hyperlinks to provide referenced material.

There is a TON of information on the web regarding this portion of American history - perhaps you've heard of Custer taking of a Cheyenne woman as a second wife? Monaseetah was the daughter of Black Kettle, whom Custer killed eight years earlier at the Battle of Washita River.

Multiple sources maintain Monaseetah bore Custer a son, and that both were present at the Greasy Grass the day he was slain, alongside 196 of his men. It is even quite possible she went up after the battle, and encountered his corpse on the battlefield. These are some of the incredible nuances of this fascinating story.

I will return to regular posting tomorrow, or as soon as I can come up with something suitable. STORMBRINGER is a team effort, of course, and at this time I'd like to encourage readers to communicate suggestions & critique directly via email:

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