Thursday, April 30, 2009


From Days of Caves in Living Rock
of Stone-Tipped Spear and Tomahawk
From Saber Tooth and Mastodon
through Years of Bronze and Years of Iron
Crossbow, Sword, and Battleaxe
Dungeons Deep and Torture Racks
To Gunpowder and Musketry
Bayonet and Artillery
Thor Frowned and Then
Poison Gas in the Ardennes
Machinegun Belts and TNT
Tank Columns and Infantry
Phantom Jets and Flak-Filled Skies
Napalm and a Child Cries
Pestilence, War, Famine,
it’s Armageddon
When at Last We Face the Beast
I Sing the Song of the Warrior Priest!

PJC, 1991

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